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What's FtpSendTo?

FtpSendTo is a free software to upload files via FTP. The filenames are specified at the command line. This makes it convenient for scripted FTP transfers. For instance, it can be used under Windows to FTP files selected in File Manager via "Send To" (select files, right-click -> SendTo -> ftpscript ).

Sending file from Explorer to FTP server
Example: Sending file from Explorer to FTP server

The script is written in Ruby, which needs to be installed on the machine. (See http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/, http://www.ruby-lang.org/en/download.html or http://www.rubycentral.com/)



ftpsendto.rb --help

Editing *.BAT files

The *.BAT files specify username, password, and host address. If any of these are omitted, the script will interactively ask the user to provide these.