January 05, 2004


Recently I stated that I do not believe in the effectiveness of Acupuncture/Shiatsu, and a friend labeled me as a "Western person" - one wanting instant gratification.

Although I am not aware of any scientific studies that support or disprove the effectiveness of 'body energy flow/pathways/points', I do not deny that these might exist. Future science might discover the mechanics of these elusive techniques. However, I believe that acupuncture and shiatsu are used today mostly like snake oil. Ill, poor, unfortunate, and in general unhappy people have always been the target of unethical health professionals. Many of the healers actually believe in their powers: read about 'Bullet-proof' man shot dead).

My friend Djordje /'jorje/ who learned about Shiatsu agreed, but still said:

Dj: I now realize you are a "Western person". You want instant gratification and instant effectiveness.
Me: So you mean I have to be treated for a year before feeling the effects?
Dj: Here he goes again! It is not a year, or month, or any definite period. You have to practice it throughout your lifetime.

I agree - I am a "Western" person. When I was a kid, I thought that all Chinese live in Kung-Fu monasteries or practice Ninja art. Akira Kurosawa's Rashômon opened my eyes and showed me that Orientals are as cowardly and dishonest as the Westerners are.

Anyway, another friend told her Chinese co-workers that she went for an acupuncture diagnostic treatment:

Chinese co-workers: So, what did he say? What is wong with you?
She: He said that my kidneys are not well.
Chinese co-workers: That is what they always say. There is always something wrong and you should come for another treatment.

Posted by laza at January 5, 2004 05:29 PM
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